Frontend Interview Guide

100 Javascript Interview questions to Crack any Interview

100 Javascript interview questions that I prepared for clearing javascript interviews in MS/Walmart/Paytm/Flipkart etc. This set of Javascript interview questions will work for any Software Engineer level Front End interviews.
100 Javascript Interview questions to Crack any Javascript Inteview
    1. Data Types in JS
    2. Falsy Values
    3. Map, Reduce, Filter functionalities
    4. Prototypical Inheritance in Javascript
    5. Generator Function (function()*, yield)
    6. Caching based questions (Headers, Expiry, Types etc)
    7.  PWA & TWA ( Caching, Service Workers, Manifest File)
    8. Server Side Rendering
    9. Throttle & Debounce, important concept for Front End developer interview
    10. Iterators in Javascript
    11. Pollyfills for in built functions
    12. Split, Replace, Splice, Slice
    13. Query Selector in Javascript
    14. Substring, Trim and other string operations
    15. Typeof related output questions
    16. HTML5 features
    17. Web worker based Javascript Interview Questions
    18. Scoping in Javascript (this)
    19. Closure
    20. How to Memoize any Javascript Function – Memoization
    21. Hoisting
    22. Design Patterns in Javascript( Modular, Factory, Observer, Pub Sub, Singleton etc)
    23. Currying – add(1)(3)(4)..(n)() and other variations
    24. Call, Apply, Bind based javascript interview questions
    25. Prototype Chain in Javascript
    26. Declaring and extending classes using functions (ES6 to ES5)
    27. Levels of Javascript Scoping
    28. Arrow functions scope
    29. WSS and WS sockets
    1. Promises (all, finally etc) based Javascript interview questions
    2. Deep vs Shallow Copy in Javascript
    3. Binary Search based questions
    4. Deleting Object Keys
    5. HasOwnProperty in Javascript Objects
    6. Two way binding implementation
    7. Implicit/Hard/Explicit/New Binding
    8. Callback to Promise conversion
    9. Callback hell
    10. Async/Await over Promise
    11. Eval Function
    12. isExtensible, freeze, sealed and other Javascript Object methods
    13. In built sort() with numbers
    14. Local Storage, Session Storage, Cookie etc(types of storage)
    15. Javascript:void(0)
    16. Event Bubbling, Event Capture, Event Delegation
    17. Difference between var vs let
    18. Output based questions on undefined vs reference error
    19. some, find, includes and other in built Javascript methods
    20. Oninput Event
  1. Anonymous function
  2. Flatten a nested array in Javascript
  3. Private Variable in Javascript
  4. Destructing
  5. Rest Operators
  6. Async vs defer in script tag
  7. Fetch() in Javascript
  8. Single page application architecture
  9. SPA effect on Search Engine Optimization
  10. XHR requests
  11. Event Loop based Javascript interview questions
  12. Message Queue
  13. Job Queue
  14. Call Stack
  15. What is a Tick?
  16. Decimal to Hexadecimal conversions
  17. Why do we use “use strict”
  18. Shift/Unshift in Arrays based Javascript interview questions
  19. Escape/Unescape
  20. Encode URI
  21. Data-ng attributes
  22. Dom tree implementation
  23. Reactive Programming
  24. React based javascript interview questions
  25. Virtual DOM Implementation of React
  26. Hooks – Usestate, useeffect, useref, useCallback, useMemo
  27. Pure Components
  28. Higher Order Components
  29. Styled Components
  30. Context API
  31. Redux based javascript interview questions
  32. Design Pattern behind redux
  33. Shadow DOM
  34. Frameworks specific questions based on your resume
  35. JS events(onkeyup, onkeydown, onmouseover etc)
  36. Finding document width/height
  37. Functional programming methodologies
  38. Accessing nested objects and listing all key value pairs
  39. Load balancers
  40. Scaling applications
  41. How does CDN works?
  42. Implementation of linked lists in JS
  43. All ES6 features
  44. JSON parse, stringify etc
  45. How does webpack works(dependency graph, chunk formation etc)?
  46. How does babel works?
  47. Node JS based basic javascript interview questions
  48. Deprecated react lifecycles and their drawbacks?
  49. Optimization of the problems that you are going to solve
  50. Frameworks vs VanillaJS
  51. Every word you say will be or can be used as a counter question so don’t bring any new topic that you aren’t confident about.

Frontend Interview Questions & Experiences at Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, MMT, OYO etc

I have considered questions from all the companies that i interviewed including the one’s i didn’t crack. I cleared Javascript based rounds in last 7 companies. Mind you that there will be another 2/3 rounds based on Data Structure, Machine coding, Application design etc. HTML, CSS also plays a key role in Front End Interviews, so you should have good knowledge of HTML, CSS based Frontend Interview Questions. I received offers from 5 out of 7 companies including global giants.
So, i guess you would have liked my post on 100 Javascript Interview questions to Crack any Javascript Interview. Kindly do comment about anything that i missed. If you want me to share front end interview questions and experience with all the major companies then do let me know in comments.Please subscribe to get upcoming blogs on Front End Interview Questions and Experience. If you feel that this post was helpful then use the share  link below to share this with your colleagues and friends. It will encourage me to keep going and help you in your journey to land a dream job. 
Read my interview experience on Walmart, Flipkart, MS, Paytm, MMT, OYO, Intuit, etc.


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