Interview Experiences

OYO Rooms Frontend Interview Questions & Experience

In this post, i would like to discuss my Oyo Rooms Front End Interview experience and questions. Oyo Rooms is the second largest company in hospitality sector and one of the fastest growing startups worldwide. 
oyo rooms frontend interview questions and experience
I will focus on three areas:
  • How did i apply for Oyo Rooms Front End Developer post?
  • Total rounds and area of focus in each round?
  • Oyo Rooms Front End Engineer Interview Questions?
1. How did I apply for Oyo Rooms Front End Engineer post?
I was directly approached by the OYO HR. I didn’t specifically apply through any portal but yeah, I was actively looking for a change. It was a drive, there were around 30-40 candidates. You can apply through LinkedIn, Naukri, Indeed or Instahyre.
2. Total rounds and area of focus in each round? There were total 4 rounds. I appeared for the interview in 2019. Each round was elimination round.
  • First Round: UI Round(HTML, CSS, JS) by SSE.
  • Second Round: Data Structures
  • Third Round: In Depth Javascript Concepts by Tech Lead.
  • Fourth Round: Director Round
3. OYO Rooms Front End Interview Questions?
  • UI Round: This round was focused on HTML, CSS and JS concepts. It was a pen/paper and whiteboard round. Interviewer was a Senior Software Engineer. He asked me questions related to writing poly fill of the reduce function, event delegation, flex box(align self, flex flow, flex basis etc), painting of a web page(step by step from typing the domain to final render), async vs defer and couple of other questions.
  • Data Structures: Interviewer asked me two questions: Finding intersection of two linked lists, Maximum profit that can be earned by buying and selling shares with x number of trades. If share price at every hour as [2,15,10,60,53,80] and maximum transaction allowed 2? Interviewer wanted a solution with most efficient time complexity. I cleared this round.
  •  Javascript  Round: This was the last tech round which was focussed on in- depth javascript concepts. Interviewer was the Tech Lead of the team that i was interviewing for.
  1. Closures in Javascript
  2. If a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3, what will be the value of a?
  3. Anonymous functions
  4. Settimeout inside for loop running 1 to 5? What will it print and how can we change it to print 1 to 5? Use of let and IIFE.
  5. Debounce and Throttle code
  6. Webpack Dependency Graph
  7. React Reconciliation
  8. HTTP vs HTTPS
  9. Prototypal Chaining
  10. ES6 code to ES5 etc
    Interviewer was completely satisfied with all my answers. This round is focused mainly on Javascript Interview Questions.
  • Director Round: He explained me about the vision of OYO and concept of OYO Preneurs. He asked me about ideas that i can give for OYO to grow faster. What currently lacks at my current company and why OYO will fulfil that? My contributions that changed the dynamics of the team at my current company. It was a positive round.
Conclusion: It was a smooth interview experience at OYO Rooms. I hope you liked OYO Rooms Frontend Interview Questions & Experience. Please share this post with your friends.
Read my interview experience on Walmart, Amazon, Flipkart, MS, Paytm, MMT, OYO, Intuit, etc.

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